Integrated Planning and Reporting

Integrated Planning and Reporting

What is Integrated Planning?

The Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework opens the way for Council to identify and plan for funding priorities and service levels in consultation with the community, while preserving local identity and planning for a more sustainable future.

The framework consists of a hierarchy of documents including:

Community Strategic Plan

Our Community Strategic Plan, “Richmond Valley 2040 Community Strategic Plan” (CSP), identified the community’s main priorities and aspirations for the future and established broad strategies for achieving these goals.  In doing this, consideration has been given to the issues and pressures which may affect the community and the level of resources which will realistically be available to achieve its aims and aspirations.

While Richmond Valley Council has a custodial role in initiating, preparing and maintaining the CSP on behalf of the local government area, it is not wholly responsible for its implementation.  Other partners such as government agencies, businesses, community groups and industry can help achieve the plan’s long-term objectives.


Resourcing Strategy

The CSP provides a vehicle for expressing long-term community aspirations.  However, these will not be achieved without sufficient resources – time, money, assets and people – actually to carry them out.

The Resourcing Strategy consists of three components: Long Term Financial Plan; Organisational Development Plan; Asset Management Plans

The Resourcing Strategy is the point where Council assists the community by sorting out who is responsible for what in terms of the issues identified in the CSP.  Some issues will clearly be the responsibility of Council, some will be the responsibility of other levels of government, and some will rely on input from community groups or individuals.  The Resourcing Strategy focuses in detail on matters that are the responsibility of the Council and generally looks at matters that are the responsibility of others.

Asset Management Policy

Asset Management Strategy

Asset Management Plans

Delivery Program and Operational Plan

The Delivery Program explains what Council will do during its term of office to achieve the Community Strategic Plan objectives. Some priorities will be delivered directly by Council, using its available resources. Others will be delivered in partnership with other levels of Government.

The Operational Plan supports the Delivery Program and shows the individual projects and activities that Council will undertake each year towards achieving its goals. The plan includes the council’s annual budget and Statement of Revenue Policy.


Current Reports

The current year (2023-24) reports are available for download below:

Annual Report

The Annual Report focuses on the implementation of our Delivery Program and Operational Plan.  The report also includes some information that is prescribed by the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021.


Progress reports

Councils are required to report on the progress of their Delivery Program on a six-monthly basis.  Richmond Valley Council has prepared its biannual report which outlines to the community, the progress of actions and initiatives.

Quarterly Budget Reviews

A quarterly budget review acts as a barometer of Council’s financial health during the year. It adequately discloses Council’s overall financial position, provides sufficient information to enable informed decision making, while ensuring transparency in decision making. It is also a means by which councillors can ensure Council remains on track to meet its objectives, targets and outcomes as set out in its operational plan.

The following documents detail the status of financial budgets at the end of each quarter.

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