Council Notices
Council systems down due to system upgrade Wednesday 19 February
Council’s corporate administration system won't be operational for most of Wednesday 19 February as technicians perform a major software upgrade which has to be done during business hours. During this time, many over-the-counter transactions and enquiries will be unavailable. However, payments may be made at...
Have your say at pop-up events
Over the next two months Council will be reviewing its long-term plans and consulting with the community on projects and priorities. We'll be talking to people at a variety of pop-up events across the Richmond Valley: Coraki Services Day Wednesday 12 February Free BBQ...
Tickets available for Opera Queensland show
Opera Queensland is coming to Casino on Tuesday 6 May, 2025. Are you Lonesome Tonight weaves a story about life on the road through arias by composers such as Puccini and Verdi, and songs by Slim Dusty and Dolly Parton. Come in your jeans and boots...
Community Financial Assistance Grants
Community groups from the Richmond Valley are invited to seek financial support through the ClubGRANTS Category 1 Funding Program, which is funded through the NSW Registered Clubs Gaming Tax. ClubGRANTS Category 1 is available to support: community welfare and social services community development employment assistance...
Richmond Valley Event Support Scheme open
Applications for the Richmond Valley Event Support Scheme 2025-2026 are now open and close midnight Monday 3 March. The Event Support Scheme has been developed to showcase local festivals and events. Both cash and in-kind support is available for festivals and events. For example, an...
State of the Valley and Annual Report released
The State of the Valley report provides a snapshot of our community at the start of the new council term. The report revisits the themes of the Community Strategic Plan and the progress that has been made in delivering its objectives. It also highlights key...