Water Restrictions

Water Restrictions

The Richmond Valley Council Local Government Area (LGA) is supplied by two separate mains water supply sources.

The Casino water supply system is supplied from Jabour Weir, which has an approximate storage capacity  of 1700 megalitres, and is located west of Casino on the lower freshwater reaches of the Richmond River (which is approximately 105km upstream of the mouth of the river). Water is extracted via a raw water pump station from the Jabour Weir pool and treated at the Casino Water Treatment Plant before the potable water is distributed to four town reservoirs from where it is distributed to the town water supply network.

The Mid Richmond towns including Coraki, Evans Head, Broadwater, Rileys Hill and Woodburn are supplied by the regions bulk water supplier, Rous County Council. This water is predominantly supplied from Rocky Creek Dam, however, during dry periods the Woodburn bore may be put into operation to augment the existing supply to all Mid Richmond towns except Coraki.

Sensible water saving measures apply to all town water supply areas across the LGA on a permanent basis. These are not classed as a water restriction level, but help reduce household water use with only minimal inconvenience. Sensible water use requires that only essential garden watering will be done between 4pm and 9am to limit evaporation and runoff. All hand-held hoses should be fitted with an on/off nozzle to limit unnecessary water use. Other sensible water saving measures include the installation of water efficient fittings, minimizing shower times, using water efficient appliances and the practice of full load dishwashers and clothes washing machines.

As the security of supply from each of these sources may differ at any time, water restrictions for Casino and the mid Richmond towns may also differ. Residents should therefore check the current level of restrictions for the town in which they reside.

Richmond Valley Council is responsible for enforcing the water restrictions for all Richmond Valley Council retail water customers.

Casino and surrounds water restrictions


Water restrictions for Casino residents who receive a town water supply were lifted after significant rainfall in the Richmond River catchment.

If you have any queries regarding the level of water restrictions currently in place in Casino please contact Council’s customer service centre on 6660 0300.

Mid Richmond water restrictions (Broadwater, Coraki, Evans Head, Riley’s Hill, Woodburn)


Water restrictions for Mid Richmond residents who receive a town water supply were lifted after significant rainfall in the Rocky Creek Dam catchment.

More information is available at Rous County Council’s website here.

If you have any queries regarding the level of water restrictions currently in place in the Mid Richmond please contact Rous County Council on the water restrictions hotline 1800 450 203.

Some facts and figures on water use:

• 10 minutes of hosing uses around 200 litres of water.
• Flush toilets typically use 50,000 litres of water per household per year.
• A continuously dripping tap wastes 600 litres per day.
• A 10-minute shower uses 200 litres.

Water Restrictions information

Level 3 Water Restrictions

Published on: 19/12/2019 | Size: 76.0 KB

Level 2 Water Restrictions

Published on: 19/12/2019 | Size: 86.5 KB

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