Let’s Get Our Scrap Together

Let’s Get Our Scrap Together

Across the Northern Rivers, a new community education campaign; Let’s Get Our Scrap Together has been launched to help residents make the most of food and organics recycling.

The North East Waste region diverted 42,649 tonnes of FOGO (Food Organics & Garden Organics) from landfill last year (2020-21) through the residential kerbside FOGO service.

The FOGO collection is then taken to a composting facility where it is broken down into nutrient-rich compost, which is then supplied to local farms, landscaping businesses and backyard gardens.

The NSW Government community education Campaign will help our community become better ‘green waste’ recyclers and aims to increase the amount of food waste we recover through our kerbside FOGO service and reduce what is currently lost to the kerbside landfill bin.



What goes in your green lid FOGO bin : https://richmondvalley.nsw.gov.au/services/waste-and-recycling/kerbside-bin-collection/

Rural Food Waste Composting Solutions Survey

The Rural Food Waste Composting Solutions Survey was designed by NE Waste in conjunction with the Regional Waste Educators Group.

The aim of the survey is to provide an insight into current food waste management systems and future options in rural communities/households currently not serviced with a kerbside FOGO bin.

To see the full report click here.



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