RVC Executive Team

RVC Executive Team

Richmond Valley Council Executive Team (from left): Director Projects & Business Development Ben Zeller, Chief of Staff Jenna Hazelwood, General Manager Vaughan Macdonald, Director Community Service Delivery Angela Jones, and Director of Organisational Services Ryan Gaiter.

Our organisation structure is focused on supporting the growth and prosperity of the Richmond Valley.

With an exciting agenda for the future, Richmond Valley Council’s Executive team is committed to supporting the delivery of our substantial program of critical infrastructure projects, delivering services for our community and encouraging investment and growth.

These broad priorities include:

  • Planning for and investing in our critical infrastructure, including water supply and sewerage services projects, and road and bridge network reconstruction and upgrades;
  • Continuing on our path to long-term financial sustainability;
  • Activating the Regional Job Precinct and opportunities for significant new housing supply to support the recovery of the Valley and the Northern Rivers.
  • Encouraging investment to expand existing businesses or to attract new industries to the Richmond Valley;
  • Enhancing the liveability of our communities through strategic investment, sustainable maintenance programs, efficient service delivery, and supporting community connections;
  • Continuing to improve our readiness for future natural disasters.

The RVC Executive Team is structured as follows:


Delivering for our Richmond Valley community

General Manager

Our General Manager, Vaughan Macdonald is accountable to the elected Council and responsible for the management of the organisation and delivering on Council’s plans and priorities. These priorities include:

  • Implementation of Council’s strategic plans and priorities,
  • Strategic economic and community development,
  • Government, industry & community relations,
  • Directing organisational resources to maximise the opportunities available to Council,
  • Overseeing the Executive team to ensure Council is meeting its high standards of service delivery.


Chief of Staff

The General Manager is supported by the Chief of Staff, Jenna Hazelwood, who provides strategic advice for all directorates and oversees the Integrated Planning and Reporting framework.

The Chief of Staff is also responsible for:

  • Long term strategic planning
  • Organisational development
  • Risk management – framework and oversight
  • Supporting external relationships


Director Community Service Delivery

Core Council services such as planning and development assessment, infrastructure services, and environmental health are overseen by the Director for Community Service Delivery, Angela Jones whose full responsibilities include:

  • Development & Certification
  • Regulatory Services and Companion Animals management
  • Sustainability Communities, Environmental Health & Open spaces
  • Customer Experience
  • Roads & Drainage
  • Water Supply & Sewerage Services
  • Mechanical and Fabrication Workshops
  • Community Connection
  • Emergency Management & Resilience


Director Organisational Services

Organisational Services, which includes Council’s financial management, information technology, and people & culture, is managed by the Director of Organisational Services, Ryan Gaiter whose full responsibilities include:

  • Financial management
  • Information & technology services
  • People & Culture
  • Public Officer & Governance
  • Fleet and Procurement
  • Stores and Depots
  • Regional Libraries
  • Casino Indoor Sports Stadium
  • Mid Richmond community liaison


Director Projects & Business Development

The Director Projects & Business Development oversees the delivery of Council’s major new infrastructure projects, asset planning and management, waste management, encouraging investment and liveability improvements across the Valley:

  • Asset Systems and Planning
  • Asset Delivery and Projects
  • Infrastructure Recovery
  • Invest and Live RV
  • Property and Economic Projects
  • Waste and Resource Recovery
  • Strategic Grants Management
  • Pools, Quarries, Showground, NRLX, Rail Trail and Aerodrome

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