

There are 40 kilometres of unspoilt beaches in the Richmond Valley for everyone to enjoy.


Preserving our beaches

Richmond Valley Council through the implementation of its vehicular access to beach regulations recognises that recreational use of our beaches is a long established practice including four wheel drive access to the beach predominately for recreational fishing.

Council also recognises that it is essential to protect our beaches from uncontrolled vehicular access to ensure that they are both safe for all users, protected from continuing erosion and the forces of nature, and that the native wildlife inhabiting the area, particularly the endangered Pied Oyster Catcher, are adequately protected and their habitat maintained.

Both residents and holidaymakers are asked to comply with the following simple rules to ensure that the beach remains in its unspoiled natural state for future generations to enjoy. We would further encourage your help in protecting this asset by reporting to Council any illegal or careless activities you may observe.

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