Application Tracker & Misc. Registers

Application Tracker & Misc. Registers

Application Tracker

The RVC Application Tracker has replaced DA Tracker.

Application Tracker provides access to view the progress of RVC development applications including DA’s, Modifications and Reviews, as well as some associated documentation.

Basic information on current applications is also available on the NSW Planning Portal.


Consents & Statements of Reasons

Statement of Reasons provide the public with up to date information relating to all development approvals granted by Council in accordance with the NSW planning legislation.

Variations to Development Standards

Ordinarily, development standards in an LEP are fixed and cannot be varied, however, clause 4.6 provides for a limited opportunity to vary development standards for assessment with a development application. In accordance with legislation, Council maintains a register of approved standards variations for the public’s viewing.

Division 5.1 REFs

Part 5 reviews of environmental factors will be published here.

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