Energy and Climate

Energy and Climate

The decisions made by local governments significantly impact our environment and our community’s sustainability. Here, we discuss how energy systems and climate change are related, and we highlight the role Richmond Valley has in driving positive change.

Local governments have a unique opportunity to lead the way in implementing sustainable practices and reducing environmental impact because they are close to communities and understand their specific needs. Their decisions on energy generation, consumption, transportation, infrastructure, and urban planning are crucial for building a sustainable future.

Our website focuses on key topics such as renewable resources, energy efficiency initiatives, climate adaptation strategies, and community engagement. By deepening our understanding of energy and climate at the local government level, we aim to encourage collaboration, innovation, and effective policymaking. Together, we can create resilient, low-carbon communities prioritising sustainable development and protecting our planet for future generations.

How Council is addressing climate action:

What we have achieved so far


  • Developed Richmond Valley Council’s first Sustainable Communities Strategy focusing on environmental services, rivers and waterways, biodiversity, bushland, and resilient communities.
  • Implemented a significant expansion of tree and understorey planting throughout our urban landscapes. A total of 212 semi-mature trees, each measuring 45 litres, approximately 1000 Lomandra and river plants, were diligently planted, with 186 of these trees belonging to the native species endemic to our region. These efforts encompassed various locations such as Evans Head Street and Park, West Street Casino, Q.E. Carpark, Rappville Hall, Grafton town entrance, Tenterfield town entrance, and Crawford Park Casino.
  • Planted 5000 trees to improve Flying fox habitat along the Richmond River near Queen Elizabeth Park.


  • Investigate solar on administration buildings
  • Increase flying fox habit by 22 thousand square metres.
  • Increase education around avoidance messaging and shifting to a circular economy
  • Continuing to support our community to reduce their emissions and address climate change
  • Increase availability and opportunity for more EV charging stations
  • Collaboration with NJRO Northern Rivers Joint Organisation – The Sustain Energy Working Group is a network of councils, regional peak bodies and community renewable energy groups facilitating the transition to renewable energy in the Northern Rivers region of NSW. The working group was established as a subset of the broader sustain northern rivers collaboration in 2008 and has been delivering on-ground and research-based energy outcomes ever since. This group is currently supporting information and a feasibility study on destination chargers for the Northern Rivers region.


  • The council has adopted a data management system to enhance the efficiency of data acquisition, reporting, and interpretation, with a focus on analysing the council’s scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.
  • Planted an additional 6,450 flying fox habitat trees along the Richmond River near Queen Elizabeth Park.
  • Partnered with Landcare to deliver a second edition of the Climate Resilient Landscapes booklet, which includes landscapes and plant species more adaptable to the Richmond Valley Local Government Area (LGA). (LINK HERE TO BOOKLET FINAL-Climate-Resilient-Landscapes_edition2_V04.pdf ( )
  • Planted 259 45ltr mature trees throughout Richmond Valley LGA streets and parks.
  • Installed a 99-kWh solar system at the Casino administration building.
  • Planted 795 native trees and 1,167 grasses at McDonald Park in Casino to enhance fish habitat, restore significant erosion, and stabilise the embankment along the Richmond River.


The Snapshot provides an overview of the emission patterns within Australian municipalities, federal electorates, and states. Its purpose is to assist in the identification of emission sources and the development of effective strategies for emission reduction.

The Richmond Valley snapshot specifically offers a detailed breakdown of emissions by sector and sub-sector. These include stationary energy (electricity and gas), transportation, agriculture and land use, waste, and industrial processes and product usage. The data is presented as the total emissions in carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) for each emissions source and sector. CO2e serves as a universal unit of measurement that indicates the global warming potential of greenhouse gases, expressed relative to one unit of carbon dioxide. It enables the evaluation of the climate impact associated with releasing or avoiding different greenhouse gases on a standardised basis.

Richmond Valley Municipal emissions snapshot


Thinking about getting Solar?

Do you want to know:

  • What size solar system should you get?
  • How many panels will fit on your roof?
  • How long will it take for a battery to pay for itself in savings?

SunSPOT can instantly reveal a suitable system size for the household or business’s needs, a system cost range, the time to pay for itself through savings, and annual savings on bills to be made.

SunSPOT is not-for-profit and has been developed by the Australian PV Institute and UNSW with the backing of Federal and NSW governments to help Australians understand what solar and batteries can do for them. It is free and private to use.

Click here to visit SunSPOT.

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Electric charging stations drive the adoption of electric vehicles, reducing emissions and improving air quality. By embracing renewable energy sources, charging stations enhance energy independence and security. They also stimulate economic growth and job creation, attracting investments in clean technology. Additionally, charging stations serve as community hubs for education and engagement, raising awareness about EV benefits and promoting sustainability. Join us in supporting electric charging stations for a greener future.

For current EV locations, visit the following sites:

Drivers – Chargefox

PlugShare – EV Charging Station Map – Find a place to charge your car!

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