Illegal Dumping

Illegal Dumping

Illegal dumping is a crime and you can help

Illegal dumping is the unlawful deposit of waste larger than litter onto land. It includes waste materials which have been dumped, tipped or otherwise deposited onto private or public land where no licence or approval exists to accept such waste. Illegal dumping causes the following adverse effects in out community:

  • Pollutes our environment
  • Creates an eyesore
  • Lowers community pride
  • Is a potential fire hazard
  • Attracts other illegal behaviour
  • Is a health and safety hazard
  • Increases the spread of weeds and pests
  • Costs council and the community money.

Illegal dumping shows no care or respect for our community or the environment and can cost ratepayers through the significant costs to local councils – an estimated $10 million a year is spent by NSW local governments removing waste and properly disposing of it. With more than100 reported cases of illegal dumping annually, Council is concerned with the rising costs of clean up and the environmental impacts of dumped waste.

To report incidences of illegal dumping you have observed in the Richmond Valley please go visit here and enter as much detail as possible.

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