State of the Valley

State of the Valley

The State of the Valley report provides a snapshot of our community at the start of the new council term.

The report revisits the themes of the Community Strategic Plan and the progress that has been made in delivering its objectives. It also highlights key opportunities and challenges our community faces, helping guide the review of the Community Strategic Plan for the next council term.

State of the Valley Report

State of the Valley Report – Single Pages


Ideas Board – add your voice!

Dune care

Name: Catherine Saffin

Could we please have some environmental awareness and a plan to protect our Airforce Beach dune and vegetation

Improved Access to Shark Bay Precinct

Name: Sherie

Parking is very scarce which limits access. Could be increased by almost double by creating nose in angle parks on the left hand side instead of parallel. The top pathway to the river beach is in disrepair, it was once a great boarded path to the water. Would be a fabulous revitalisation project.

Greening our town

Name: Cathie

More planting of native trees in Evans Head would be great if you could start with Currajong ST :)

All Wheels Pump Track

Name: Sherie

A pump track would be a valuable addition to our local communities, providing a fun, inclusive, and low-maintenance recreational space for people of all ages and skill levels. Pump tracks promote physical activity, social connections, and healthy lifestyles.

Truck Parking Area

Name: Daniel Hanna

Turn the old sawmill Area on Dyraaba St opposite Nutrien into a designated truck park with lighting and cctv and angled parking for B doubles like service stations on the M1. I know all the contaminated soil was removed, It would be a lot safer for truckers not to park on a busy street .

Valley Villages Art Trail

Name: Sherie

An art trail through our local villages that celebrates the cultural, farming & fishing history of the area. Featuring art, murals & sculptures, the trail could share unique stories of our heritage. This project could enhance tourism, foster community pride, and support local artists & businesses.

Car Parking

Name: Amanda Davis

The town needs more parking for both cars and towing vehicles (caravans, trailers,etc). Many country towns now offer parking for larger vehicles that may be travelling through but want lunch without having to walk kms.

Footpath to lawn cemetary

Name: Heidi

I would like to see a footpath connecting from before the meatworks heading out to and finishing at the casino lawn cemetery. Similar to what is heading out to Gays Hill. This would be good for the top area of town to have somewhere to walk and make it easier for people to access the cemetary.

Rubbish collection and roadside cleanup

Name: Pam

Would be great to see curbside rubbish collection twice a year or at least vouchers for the tip. Also green waste should be free to take to the tip especially for rural areas that have no bin collections. Roadsides also need to be slashed to help climate weeds spreading

Shop facilities

Name: Pauline Dolman

There are such limited shops available for general items eg sheets underwear etc many aged here are unable to drive out of town to get these things

Greening our towns

Name: Marie Scholes

There needs to be a lot more greening of pur towns, by a programme of extensive tree planting. This will help to keep the environment cooler as the climate warms, help reduce flood risk by lowering the water table, and contribute to the beautification of the towns.

LIve performance at Casino Civic Hall

Name: Therese Schier

The Casino Civic hall has been renovated and seems to sit unused for most of the year. Can Council initiate/invite/fund performing groups to come to Casino and use the Hall? Performances could cover a wide range of genres including classical, cabaret, folk, country, choral, theatre, etc.

The Arts in Casino

Name: Marie Scholes

Casino has some beautiful art deco features, which could be a tourist drawcard if they were properly maintained. We also have a vibrant art gallery with a very active programme, but the building needs some upgrades. Casino has potential to be a centre for arts and crafts.

Flying Foxes and Bats

Name: Erick

I would appreciate if this council would make a concerted effort to relocate these vermin from the middle of town. They are a disgrace and an embarrassment to our beautiful town. Residents are appalled. To close the parks due to bat roosting surely indicates this health hazard.

Bin Collection

Name: Petra

After reading a recent Facebook post about the misuse of the FOGO bins how about making the red bin a weekly collection. I can imagine it fills up quickly for families.

General Waste Collection

Name: Wendy Payne

I would like to see General Waste collected weekly as opposed to fortnightly & have Green Waste & Recyling Waste collected fortnightly ain alternate weeks. General Waste becomes smelly & attracts flies & vermin & the current fortnightly collection is not adequate - particularly in Summer. Thanks.


Name: Judy Whitfield

Fix the Broadwater Evans road. IT IS A DISGRACE and has caused so many accidents. Putting up signs saying ROADWORKS IN PROGRESS is paying lip service to people in Evans. There HAS NOT BEEN ANY ROADWORK since I moved to Evans 18/4/24 fix the street that runs down to the surf club. An UTTER DISGRACE

Love our parks

Name: Cathie

The lovely park on the river next to the fish co-op needs some love some tree planting and a seperate parking area to keep vehicles from driving over the grass and destroying it and becoming a big sand pit.

Sand dune regeneration

Name: Paul

There are walkways through the dunes either side of the Evans head surf club that are overgrown and hazardous to walk through. The bitou bush in front of the wooden look out in the car park on the north side of the surf club is obsolete as you cannot see the water over the overgrown bitou bush.

Regular mowing and cleaning drains

Name: Tim

Walking around woodburn each day is dismal with houses fenced up, overgrown verges and messy drains. Looks like a derelict town

Woodburn kids

Name: Eleesha hughes

With all the new young families in Woodburn we need a decent park that includes everyone especially with disabilities. New skate park with local art from the kids . Water splash park or remote control track . There is nothing safe that’s not on a main rd for these kids . Basketball courts .

Replace Hedge with sandstone blocks Richmond tce Coraki

Name: Dianne Judith Steel

Replace existing hedge with sandstone blocks. Pros, less ongoing maintenance costs for council. opens up riverbank, more open possibly deter random break ins of caravan visitors. Hedge often poorly maintained with weeds etc . More visually appealing to have continuity of blocks down whole street

Footpaths in Woodburn

Name: James

Footpaths around Woodburn for safe exercise, kids to ride bikes etc

Cycleway Riley’s Hill to Broadwater

Name: Tracey Knox

I’d like to see the road from Riley’s Hill to Broadwater with a Cycleway/ walking track. People often walk along the side of the road but , because the grass is not cut regularly, they are forced to walk on the road itself , and it’s dangerous.

Native seed bank

Name: Leash

Include native seeds within the library seed bank to encourage people to sow and grow native plants to the area. Especially for the harder to find seeds that Council may have stock for their landscaping - For example, heath plants would be perfect for Surburban gardens.

Linking East Coraki

Name: Alison Scurr

All our towns have walkways and cycleways linking their communities. Evans Head have one all the way from Doonbah Riverside Village. Casino have one linking the Sextonville Rd area. Coraki need a link for the community in Oakland Rd to walk and cycle safely to town.

East Coraki path

Name: Alison Scurr

The community living across the East Coraki bridge need a walking/cycle path to get safely into town. There are a lot of locals that walk and ride into Coraki from Oakland Road and along the way. It is unsafe to do so. My grandchildren walk this way after school and to work in town.


Name: Erick

All the parks and gardens need more regular attention. And the riverside road is an eyesore and needs restoring or should be completely demolished.


Name: Petra

We really need to move the bats out of the public areas. I realise they are protected buy they can be safely encouraged to move out of town. Many Australian towns have done this successfully.

Rubbish Bins

Name: Petra Duncan-Czizek

We need indestructible rubbish bins around the parks, courts, rail trail and walkways. In many areas there are no bins.

Art in Town

Name: Ruby

I would really like to see more art installations happen throughout town! I think it would make the place more beautiful and promote the collective. Similar "Lanescapes" in Goondiwindi, it also attracts tourists

Large fenced off leash dog area

Name: Heidi

Large fenced off leash dog area. QE2 back area by the fenced cricket pitch. Incorporate trees for the shade and seating. There is plenty of parking and ease of access. Where the area is at the present time is too hot and small.

Rubbish Relief

Name: Joanne Mason

Either hard rubbish pick up 2x annually or 2x vouchers for rate payers for dump runs.

Protect the Beaches

Name: Simon Cook

Stop 4x4 vehicles on Airforce Beach keep it safe for beach goers and protect the environment

Curbside collection / vouchers

Name: Melitta Armstrong

RVC to implement free curbside collections for residents and or vouchers.

Respectful naming

Name: Catherine Saffin

Changing the name of chinamens beach, maybe a name that recognises the Bundjalung county


Name: Amanda

How about some footpaths in Woodburn That would be great

Tip vouchers

Name: Kylie Bruntflett

We need a couple of rubbish tip vouchers or discounts per year for residents.

Tip Incentives

Name: Shannon

Give rate payers some incentives to help reduce large househole items of garbage being placed into the red bins and green with Vouchers and or Collection days like other councils. There is no incentive or motivation on RVC at present at all for rate payers. People clean up their yard and jobs.

Add necessary positions and audit departments and cut wastewaste

Name: David Loker

Do a complete audit assessment of council spending and determine if it is/was necessary. Make this audit and findings public for all to see. Add a full time person who attends only to parking and situations which occur on our streets, sidewalks and parking areas to issue fines accordingly.

Curb side pick up

Name: Julie

I really think the council should bring back the curb side pickup it would make it easier to clean up around the house and yard Most other councils have it so I can’t see why we at Casino and surrounding area so come on council bring it back

Tiny Home

Name: Dee

I would like to see an area set aside where a Tiny Home village could be developed. Maybe the land leased for a reasonable fee where the homes can be parked. A standard of structure could be required of those wishing to put their homes on the site.

Love our beaches

Name: Catherine Saffin

Protect airforce beach stop 4x4 vehicles keep the beach safe for community and protect the environment

Rubbish relief

Name: Tanya

Either once a year a truck comes around and picks up 1-2 cubic mtr of rubbish for no cost, this could be done during quieter times like winter, or give 2 voucher a year for rate payers to use the tip for free. This will reduce illegal dumping promoting beautiful town.

Homeless people

Name: Peter

Please consider the ever growing number of homeless people. Pls build several rest areas where people can camp for a small fee. Please ensure all showgrounds and caravan parks welcome homeless people. Remember they too spend money on the towns.

Stadium Improvements

Name: Cindy Richards

Improvements to the Casino Sports Stadium that would enhance the experience for both spectators and sporting groups. The stadium is a fantastic facility, it could better serve the community and local sporting associations with grandstand seating, industrial fans, storage space, mini kitchen.

Building Energy Resilience Evans Head microgrid –

Name: Rena Frohman

Evans Head and surrounds are increasingly vulnerable to unreliable main grid energy supply as well as at high risk for disaster-related power outages. The project will work with a consortium of energy resilience stakeholders to scope and establish a micro grid system to support energy storage & reli

Community newspaper

Name: Vanessa

The community needs a basic newspaper, information, calendar, key contacts etc

Public transport

Name: Anne

Public transport in our town is really limited. We need more community transport

More housing

Name: Megan

We need more housing in the Richmond Valley and a choice of different housing types - family homes, villas, units, accessible & affordable housing!

Pelican Bridge

Name: Lucas HarveyWilliams

My dad and I cross over the Evans river bridge every day we see pelicans there every day perched on the light poles. I don’t know if this bridge has a name but I would like someone to call it. PELICAN BRIDGE I would love you to put a sign up calling this bridge pelican Bridge. Thanks Lucas

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