Mid-Term Report 2016-2018
This Mid-Term report was designed to provide a snapshot of Richmond Valley Council’s achievements in delivering on key priorities and objectives identified in the Richmond Valley Made 2030 Community Strategic Plan.
It is intended to provide the community with an overview of the highlights and achievements over the current term of the elected Council.
A summary of selected highlights and achievements is provided in the report.
End of Term Report
The End of Term Report is produced every four years at the end of each term of Council. In the report, Council is required to report on how effective its Delivery Program and partnerships with others have been in making an actual difference to the community’s quality of life as envisioned in the Community Strategic Plan.
The End of Term Report:
- Outlines the progress made by the Richmond Valley community towards the achievement of its vision for quality of life during the term of office of the outgoing Council;
- Takes measures of the performance and effectiveness of the strategies of the Community Strategic Plan in progressing towards the targets and sustainability; and
- Sets out advice for achieving the community’s desired future sustainably.
The past three End of Term reports are available below.