Proposed Rural Residential Rezoning of 395 Reardons Lane Swan Bay

A Planning Proposal application (Council Ref. PP2022/0001 & NSW Planning Portal Ref. PP-2024-854)) has been received by Council seeking to rezone part of Lots 832 & 833 DP847683, 395 Reardons Lane SWAN BAY for a rural residential subdivision.  The Planning Proposal specifically seeks to amend the Richmond Valley Local Environmental Plan 2012 (the Planning Scheme for Richmond Valley Council) by:

  • rezoning part of the land from Zone RU1 Primary Production to Zone R5 Large Lot Residential (about 35.5ha), while retaining Zone RU1 over the remaining 53ha;
  • to reduce the minimum subdivision lot size (MLS) from 40ha to 7,000m2 within the proposed Zone R5 area; and
  • to reduce the dwelling opportunity over Lots 832 & 833 to only apply to the retained Zone RU1 area.

Figure 1 – Location of the proposed rural residential development – 395 Reardons Lane Swan Bay

Figure 2 – Existing and proposed zonings for the land


The Planning Proposal and its support documentation are being publicly exhibited until COB Monday, 21 October 2024.  All documentation relating to the proposal may be inspected at Council’s Customer Experience Centres in Casino & Evans Head, online via the “On Exhibition” page of Council’s Website, and via the NSW Planning Portal (Case No. PP-2024-854) Rural Residential Rezoning Cnr Reardons and Darke Lanes Swan Bay | Planning Portal – Department of Planning and Environment (

Any person may make written submissions during the exhibition period by addressing them to the General Manager:

  • Richmond Valley Council, Locked Bag 10, CASINO NSW  2470, or
  • by Email to , or
  • by completing an online submission form on Council’s “On Exhibition” web page, or
  • by completing an online submission form via the NSW Planning Portal (see link above).

Where a submission is by way of objection, the reasons for the objection must be explained.


Notes.  All submissions are public documents.

Political Donations must be declared.  Further information on declaring Political Donations is available on Council’s website.

Further information on the Planning Proposal is available from Council on (02) 66600300

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