Can I save my application and come back to it later?
No, your application will need to be completed in one sitting. You are unable to save and come back to it later. We recommend that you copy the questions on a Word document and take your time to answer. When you are happy with your application answers copy and paste the answers online.
How do I answer the questions?
Some questions only require simple responses such as ticking “yes” or “no” or selecting an answer from a drop down box. Other questions require typed responses, providing relevant examples. The answer box will expand as you type and there are no limits to how many words you can use, however we do ask that you keep responses concise.
Do I need to answer all the questions?
Yes, it is a job application after all. The questions marked with a red asterisk must be answered. If you do not answer these questions, you will not be able to submit your application. Give examples.
What if I don’t have a computer or internet access at home?
Richmond Valley Council have computer access available with internet access at our:
Casino Library
Graham Place, Casino Phone: (02) 6660 0250
Evans Head Library
Woodburn Street Evans Head NSW 2473 Phone/Fax: (02) 6660 0374
No Email Address – No Problem
If you do not have a current email address, you will need to set one up. Gmail is easy to set up and can be accessed from any device. Visit Google and click on ‘Create an account’. Follow the prompts to establish your account (remember to write down your user name and password so that you can access your email later).