Accessing emergency water from Council’s town water supply.
During extended dry conditions some residents not serviced by town water, who are reliant on tank supply, may require some emergency water while waiting for a tanker to top up their tanks.
Council has made arrangements to supply water to residents requiring an emergency supply of non-potable water. The water is supplied via a metered standpipe and hose at the Nammoona Waste and Resource Recovery Facility.
Where can I purchase water?
Council’s Nammoona Waste and Resource Recovery Facility is located off Reynolds Road Casino on Dargaville Drive, opposite the Northern Rivers Livestock Exchange. Opening hours are 8.30am to 4.30pm seven days a week; except for public holidays when the facility is closed.
Where do I make payment and what is the cost?
Water can be collected in the resident’s containers or tank and the metered amount is charged based on Council’s current fees and charges for sale of water from a standpipe. The charge for the 2019/2020 financial year is $6.00 per kL. Payment by cash at the Nammoona cashier’s office is required.
What can the water be used for?
The water is for residents own private use and is not to be sold to another person. The water should not be used for potable purposes until the resident has satisfied themselves that it is safe to do so.
Can commercial water carters access the facility?
Yes, commercial water carters and suppliers can access the facility and purchase water to on sell. Commercial water carters must adhere to the requirements of the NSW Guidelines for Water Carters 2012, be registered with Council and the NSW Food Authority and keep records
as required by the Public Health Act 2010.
For a PDF fact sheet of this information, click on this link.