Mid Richmond Place Plans

Mid Richmond Place Plans

Residents of the Mid Richmond can have their say on revitalising their villages as part of Council’s Place Planning Project, being conducted over the next six months.

The place plans will include future options for housing, economic development and community facilities in Evans Head, Broadwater, Rileys Hill, Woodburn and Coraki.

They will also explore opportunities to build resilience against future flooding and adapt to a changing climate. Council is partnering with the NSW Reconstruction Authority to pilot a combined approach to place planning and adaptation planning for this project. This will help to ensure that these communities can remain safe and sustainable into the future.

Consultants Place Design Group, supported by Meridian Urban, have been appointed to undertake the project and will work directly with the Mid Richmond communities early next year. Details of consultation sessions will be published on Council’s website and social media sites.

The draft Mid Richmond Place Plans are now on public exhibition at this link.

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