Development Consents List

Development Consents List

Developments Consents - 4 February 2024 - 10 April 2024

Application IDProperty AddressFull Details
DA2022/023375 Gregors Road, Spring GroveDevelopment consent is sought to undertake a subdivision to create 19 lots with associated roadworks including the intersection of Gregors and Spring Grove Roads, civil works, and vegetation removal
DA2024/00187A Bruton Street, CasinoResidential subdivision to create fourteen (14) lots including associated civil works and vegetation removal
DA2024/004053 Hartley Street, CasinoConstruction of single storey dwelling on vacant block
DA2024/0048330 Brookers Road, Shannon BrookAlterations and additions to an existing dwelling to create an expanded dwelling
DA2024/005415 Northfields Road, Stratheden Proposed animal boarding establishment
DA2022/0195.0193 Manifold Road, North CasinoS4.55(1A) Modification - additional tree removal to facilitate a driveway upgrade associated with approved bulk earthworks to enable a sports field expansion at an existing educational establishment
DA2024/00624 Sunset Place, CasinoConstruction of a flyover roof and outdoor area with a concrete slab under insulated roof panels
DA2024/006510 Taylors Lane, WoodviewProposed rural subdivision to create 2 lots
DA2024/006925 Gregors Road, Spring GroveProposed Torrens Title subdivision to create two (2) lots with associated variation to Clause 4.6 of RVLEP
DA2024/00726 Union Street, CorakiColorbond Shed 5m x 12.5m including a variation request to the DCP in regard to the total gross floor area
DA2024/00731 Pagan Avenue, CasinoConstruction of fully opened single level steel carport with a request to vary the building line setback
DA2024/0074Ginibi Drive, Swan BaySingle storey dwelling
DA2024/007539-43 Adams Street, Coraki9m x 12m Colorbond Playground Shelter over Outdoor Eating Area
MA2024/000168 Centre Street, CasinoS4.55(1A) Proposed extension to building footprint including changes to approved floor layout (smoking area, gaming room, TAB, bar & cool room, kitchen, office and bathroom areas)
DA2024/007648 Ransons Lane, TomkiConstruction of a single storey dwelling
DA2024/0078122 Centre Street, CasinoProposed change of use from an existing restaurant/cafe to an office premises
DA2024/00792/44 Riverview Street, Evans HeadConcrete Pool Construction and associated works
DA2024/008232 Barker Street, CasinoConstruction of a freestanding single story lightweight double garage and concrete driveway connecting to the existing driveway.
DA2024/0083117 Baraang Drive, BroadwaterInstallation of a molasses tank to replace flood damaged tank.
DA2024/0084166 Langs Way, WoodburnInstallation of business identification signage on roof cover
DA2024/008510 Golf Links Road, WoodburnSite earthworks to create fill pad and extend existing site fill.
DA2024/008649 Ginibi Drive, Swan BayConstruction of two-storey dwelling house and detached shed on vacant lot
DA2024/00881 Teak Street & 22 Short Street, CasinoChange of use from a dwelling to a childcare centre at 1 Teak Steet and increase in the number of student places at the existing childcare centre at 22 Short Street. The application is inclusive of alterations and additions to the existing building located on 1 Teak Street, provision of eight (8) parking spaces, demolition of an existing inground swimming pool, vegetation management works, and associated landscaping and civil works
DA2024/00891665 Bruxner Highway, McKees HillInstallation of an inground fibreglass swimming pool, its associated equipment & fencing
DA2024/0090155 Whites Road, New Italy Demolition of existing in-ground fibreglass swimming pool and proposed replacement of an in-ground fibreglass swimming pool
DA2024/009195 Emu Park Road, Ellangowan Proposed dwelling house and associated works.
MA2024/00026 Little Pitt Street, Broadwater S4.55(1A) Modification - Construction of a covered rear deck reduced to 3600 x 9000 and roof will be raised to 2990
DA2024/009563 Flatley Place, North CasinoSingle storey storage shed
MA2024/000316 Parkes Street, CorakiS4.55(1A) Modification to DA2023/0015 - Alter the previously approved master bedroom addition to reduce the GFA of the master bedroom from 49m2 to 30m2 (including removal of Ensuite).
DA2024/01006 Coral Street, Evans HeadDemolition of an existing outdoor covered area and the addition of a new outdoor entertaining area to the existing residence and associated works
DA2024/0101127 Savilles Road, North CasinoConstruction of a dwelling
DA2024/0105310 Droneys Bridge Road, StrathedenProposed Alterations and Additions to Existing Dwelling, Decking, Inground Fibreglass Swimming Pool and associated fencing.
DA2024/010666 Woodburn Street, Evans HeadDemolition of existing carport, additions and renovations to the existing lockable shed including a toilet and request for variation to the DCP with regard to the maximum building footprint.
DA2024/010984 Currajong Street, Evans HeadTwo lot strata subdivision of existing dual occupancy (detached)
DA2024/01164/2 Oak Street, Evans HeadChange of use for an existing building that was used as a retail clothes shop. This proposal intends to change the use to offices and meeting rooms and includes the installation of partition walls, doors and storage cupboards
DA2024/01211 Ocean Street, Evans Head9.5m x 9.5m Colorbond Shed
DA2024/01241/9 Oak Street, Evans HeadChange of use to a florist, gift and coffee shop and any associated works
DA2024/0126108 West Street, CasinoProposed two (2) lot Torrens Title Subdivision


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