Development Consents List

Development Consents List

Development Consents 1 November - 28 November.xlsx

Application IDProperty AddressFull Details
DA2022/002991 Ocean Drive, Evans Head Demolition of existing structures, construction of an attached three (3) storey dual occupancy development with double garages, in-ground swimming pool and associated works, and Strata Title subdivision
DA2022/009310615 Summerland Way, CasinoAddition of ancillary on-site workers’ accommodation (comprising 10 as-built accommodation blocks for a total of 60 staff) to the existing Livestock Processing Industry and associated works, including services and amenities.
DA2022/01291278 Oakland Road, East CorakiDwelling
DA2022/020625A Frederick Street, CasinoCarport with a request to vary the DCP to 230mm from the southern side boundary
DA2023/000226 River Street, BroadwaterConstruction of a new two (2) storey dwelling and a detached secondary dwelling at the rear, and associated site works
DA2023/003170 Centre Street, CasinoChange of use to a food and drink premises including internal fit out, signage and associated works
DA2023/00459 Te Araowa Drive, North CasinoRenovation and two storey addition to existing dwelling
DA2023/00461 Winston Street, CasinoConstruction of a secondary dwelling (granny flat) at rear of property and associated works
DA2023/005434 Richmond Street, WoodburnTwo level shouse home
DA2023/0055865 Busbys Flat Road, MongogarieNew single dwelling
DA2023/005631 Baraang Drive, BroadwaterConstruction of a two storey dwelling and associated landscaping
DA2023/005815 Cypress Street, Evans HeadAlterations and additions to an existing dwelling and garage, including double storey extension to dwelling, construction of a new deck, pool and associated fencing and internal reconfiguration of garage to include workshop/gym areas.
DA2023/0061528 Woodburn Evans Head Road, DoonbahAdd second storey to existing dwelling
DA2023/006278 Trustums Hill Road, WoodburnShed with request to vary the boundary setbacks
DA2022/0201.01Rappville Oval Reserve, 9 Pearse Street, RappvilleS4.55(1A) Modification - Moving shed site at same address, adding internal toilet to shed - including plumbing, adding and rearranging current door and window location
DA2023/00667 Sparkes Place, North CasinoInstallation of an inground fibreglass swimming pool, it's associated equipment and fencing.
DA2023/006729 Stapleton Avenue, CasinoRemove and replace veranda
DA2023/00691340 Woodburn Coraki Road, CorakiRaise house 2.4m, space created underneath to be used as carport storage area
DA2023/00705 McDonald Place, Evans HeadRaising and renovating a flood damaged residential building using the same building foot print and external building fabric.
DA2023/007110 Park Lane, CasinoDemolition of existing garden shed and construction of steel frame shed
DA2023/007337A East Street, CasinoAbove ground swim spa and associated fencing


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