Development Consents List

Development Consents List

Development Consents 1 March 2022 – 25 March 2022

Application IDProperty AddressFull Details
DA2022/00681/8 Elm Street, Evans HeadDemolition of existing dwelling and construction of two (2) new two story dwellings within an existing multi dwelling housing development and associated works
DA2022/007260 Canning Drive, CasinoConstruction of two (2) single storey dwellings to create a detached dual occupancy development, retaining walls and associated works
DA2022/010416 Flame Street, Evans HeadDemolition of existing dwelling and ancillary structures, Torrens Title subdivision into two (2) lots, construction of a concrete retaining wall and installation of associated services
DA2022/011483 Johnston Street, CasinoConstruction of two (2) single storey dwellings with double garages to create an attached dual occupancy development, associated works and Strata title subdivision
DA2022/0116271 Brewers Road, KippenduffConstruction of a private, single storey dwelling and related landscaping for residential purposes
DA2022/013240 Diary Street, CasinoConstruction of patio - concrete slab with solar span roof
DA2022/01335 Figtree Drive, CasinoRemoval of existing roof over pool area and construction of pool deck, new shed, retaining wall, along with alterations to existing dwelling
DA2022/0137High Street, CasinoConstruction of a new ancillary community facility in association with the existing Pre-school and childcare centre (Jumbunna)
DA2022/0139372 Benns Road, Shannon BrookNew 3 bedroom private residence
DA2022/0141196 Walker Street, CasinoInstallation of an inground fibreglass swimming pool and associated pool fencing
DA2022/014847 Centre Street, CasinoDemolition of single car garage and construction of new double car garage
DA2022/0154372 Benns Road, Shannon BrookNew 4 bay shed constructed of brick and colourbond roof
DA2021/0118.0110 Queen Elizabeth Drive, CorakiS4.55(2) Modification Application seeking completion of works to part installed cool room to use in association with the takeaway food and drink premise and extend approved hours of operation
DA2022/01601184 Spring Grove Road, Spring Grove12m x 12m colorbond shed
DA2022/016225 Riverview Street, Evans HeadInstall steel beam (approx 9.2M long) and two steel support columns under a front section of an existing timber deck, to replace three timber support posts, to give greater access on the driveway.
DA2022/016768 Canning Drive, CasinoConstruction of two (2) single storey dwellings with single garages to create an attached dual occupancy development, retaining walls and associated works
DA2022/0112.01121 Ocean Drive, Evans HeadSection 4.55(1) - Modification to fix minor clerical errors - alterations & additions - proposed ground floor garage conversion to living area and additional car parking space added


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