Preparedness & Resilience Plan

Preparedness & Resilience Plan

The Richmond Valley Community Preparedness and Resilience Plan has been prepared by Richmond Valley Council as a requirement of the Drought Communities Programme. This adverse event plan will provide a strategy and guidance framework for increasing resilience to the likely and potential adverse events that threaten Richmond Valley Council Local Government Area (LGA).

Click here to read the full Preparedness & Resilience Plan

In August 2019 the Richmond Valley LGA was severely impacted by bushfire events which resulted in 48.6% of the local government area and more than 350 homes, outbuildings and facilities being impacted by fire. This large-scale bushfire burnt 142,741 hectares of land within the LGA and severely impacted key industries including primary producers and forestry.

Since then, the Richmond Valley Council LGA has suffered numerous adverse events; the longest drought in living memory, severe storms and flooding, and the global COVID-19 pandemic. This period of overlapping natural disasters and adverse events has shown the strength of the local Council, combat agencies and the overall emergency response management arrangements, as well as the resilience of our local communities.

This plan has been developed with the valuable input of Council staff and the community, including local farmers, local business owners, representatives from crisis support and health services.

This Adverse Event Plan aims to improve preparation for and recovery from adverse events. The key strategies and actions within this plan are intended to help build community leadership capability, community resilience and the capacity to adapt and cope with chronic stresses and acute shocks caused by adverse events. It articulates Council’s role as vital in providing accurate and timely information to its community and to advocate to state and federal governments on their behalf.

This plan is a public document that Council can implement in its preparation for future adverse events and to assist recovery from the recent bushfires, flooding and pandemic. It can be used by the community, farmers, local business and service providers to understand Council’s role in building preparedness and how Council can support them in recovery.

This plan was endorsed by Council on 19 October 2021.

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