Vision Statement – Mission Statement – Principles and Values

Vision Statement – Mission Statement – Principles and Values

The following Vision and Mission are the basis of Council’s Strategic Direction and reflect the input received from the community as part of the Community Strategic Plan processes.

Vision Statement

A collaborative community working together to advance a resilient and robust economy which reflects a strong sense of community, successful businesses and a healthy environment.

Mission Statement

To protect and improve the quality of life for our community, and for future generations.

Council would like to show its respect and acknowledge all of the traditional custodians of land within the Richmond Valley Council area and show respect to elders past and present.


The following guiding principles (which are regarded as essential elements for good local government) are to be utilised as part of the every day decision making processes, actions and management of Richmond Valley Council:

  • good governance (delivers good performance, minimises risks, ensures transparency and accountability, and promotes efficiency and effectiveness)
  • representative democracy and community support. (Council’s direction/activities are to broadly reflect its community demographics and to have community support)
  • sound policy (a strong and sustainable local government area requires clear direction via a policy and planning framework)
  • sufficient resources (a vibrant local government area needs human and financial resources to implement its decisions and to fulfil statutory obligations)
  • meaningful planning (planning is a process to translate community needs and aspirations into Council services. To be meaningful plans must result in actions and outcomes for the community)
  • connectedness (a strong local government environment requires a high level of connectivity across all of the community)
  • strong leadership (effective local government and outcomes can only be achieved via strong community leadership through Councillors and staff)


In preparing the Community Strategic Plan it became clear, via the various engagement processes, that there were a range of “values” that the community sought to retain into the future; these are summarised in the following:

  • a quiet , friendly and relaxed lifestyle
  • access to natural attributes (waterways, national parks, natural bushland)
  • open space and recreation
  • wanting to contribute to the community
  • economic diversity
  • the expectation of community leadership

To see how Council plans to achieve these ‘principles’ and ‘values’ for the community, see the Integrated Planning & Reporting page.

For information about the kinds of services Council provides, visit the Council Services page.

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