Expressions of interest for the purchase of industrial land at Reynolds Road, Casino

Expressions of interest for the purchase of industrial land at Reynolds Road, Casino

Richmond Valley Council is completing the development of nine industrial zoned lots, ranging in size from 5000m2 to 5ha, located off Reynolds Road, Casino.

Council is developing the land as an initiative to attract employment-generating industries to the Richmond Valley and is now seeking expressions of interest for the purchase of this land from businesses wishing to establish in Casino.

Terms of sale will be negotiable with Council’s focus being on the timely development of the land, and commencement of business operations, to yield additional jobs in an expedited time frame.

The land is contained within the Richmond Valley Regional Job Precinct, which should offer improved planning pathways, underpinned by prior technical studies and assessment, reducing delays and simplifying planning processes.

As part of the EOI proponents will be required to submit details of their proposal for development of the land incorporating business to be conducted from the development; relevant details of the business in terms of background information, business growth and operation to date, future plans and provide a commitment to time frames for development and operation of the proposed business upon the site.

Sales will be offered based on Council’s assessment of economic and job creation benefit of the lodged proposals. Expressions of interest are to be lodged via completion of the below online form. All expressions of interest will remain confidential.

If you wish to discuss the process further or require additional information, please contact Councils Manager Economic Project Mike Perkins on 02 6660 0326.

For further information, please click this link to see our flyer.

To see the proposed plans please click here.

Expression of Interest for the Purchase of Industrial Land Reynolds Road, Casino

Entity submitting EOI

Contact person for EOI

Expression of interest for purchase of land

Details of proposed business to be developed

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