Traffic Calming Proposal Consultation – Beech St Evans Head

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve traffic conditions and create a safer environment for residents, we propose introducing traffic calming measures on Beech Street, Evans Head.

Traffic calming measures are designed to reduce speeding vehicles, encourage safer driving behaviour and make our streets more pedestrian-friendly. We aim to create a safer, more enjoyable space for everyone in the community, especially children, cyclists and pedestrians.

To ensure that the proposed changes reflect the needs and concerns of those who are impacted, Council is seeking your input. We highly value your opinions and encourage you to participate in the community consultation process. This will allow you to review the proposed measures, ask questions and provide feedback.

Council has engaged GeoLink Consulting Pty Ltd to investigate the appropriate traffic calming infrastructure design for Beech Street, Evans Head.

A combination of options can be found in the Concept Design Options Report and Plans here or in person at our Casino or Evans Head Office.
The consultation period will commence on 28 January 2025 and conclude on 7 March 2025.

Submissions – Any person may make a written submission during the exhibition period by sending it to Richmond Valley Council by:
* Post to: – Locked Bag 10 Casino NSW 2470
* Email: –
* Hand delivery: – at either of Council’s Customer Service Centres in Casino and Evans Head.
* Online: – Use the Submission button within Application Tracker

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