Suggestion for Purchase

Suggestion for Purchase

Can’t find the item you’re looking for?

We take suggestions for purchase across our entire collection, including books, audiobooks, eBooks, eAudiobooks and DVDs.

Fill out this form below, and we will try to add the item to our collection and notify you when the item arrives. If we cannot add the item, we will contact you and let you know.

One of our priorities when purchasing items for our collection is to select newly published materials. If the suggested item has an older release date, or doesn’t match our library’s other selection criteria, and we do not purchase the suggested title, please note that it may be possible to source the item for you via our interlibrary loan service, which we will contact you about as there is a fee involved in this service.

We’d also like to let our members know that fewer DVDs are being published at this time, and Disney has stopped publishing DVDs for any of their owned content, meaning DVDs are becoming harder to source.

Suggestion for Purchase

If your suggestion does not meet the criteria for purchasing, would you be interested in an interlibrary loan (min. cost $6.00)?

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