Events in the Valley

Events in the Valley

The Richmond Valley is home to significant regional events including the Casino Truck Show, Casino Beef Week and the PRIMEX Field Days, attracting over 60,000 visitors for their celebration of the transport and beef industry, rural lifestyle and the agricultural produce of our region. In addition to these, the valley is host to an extensive range of events both inland and on the coast. The number of events continues to rapidly grow with magnificent community events, markets, exhibitions and festivals.

Richmond Valley Council plays a significant role in supporting events in the Richmond Valley region. These events benefit both the local economy and community, and are an important element in the culture and overall image of our valley.

Events Calendar

Our events calendar is regularly updated with new events and promoted on our facebook page. You can view the upcoming events and our events calendar at our Discover Richmond Valley website located here. 

Are you planning an event in the Richmond Valley? 

The Richmond Valley events team is a one-stop shop for event organisers, offering support in planning, approvals, logistics and in some cases, financial assistance.

We invest in new and redeveloped events and support major regional events.

Whether your event is large or small, cultural, sports or social, national or local; we can help you deliver high quality events that meet participant’s needs and expectations.

We manage our rapidly growing Richmond Valley’s events portfolio, attracting and retaining events and festivals on.

We are always looking for opportunities to grow our event portfolio and are proactive in attracting and retaining events  to enhance the economic benefits to the region and to provide a social occasion for our community.

Make sure you look at the Quick Links below to find more information on hosting an event in the Richmond Valley


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