Audiobook review by Corinne Hughes – The Abduction

The abduction – written by A. A. Chaudhuri, read by David Thorpe


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This book carries on with the Kramer & Carver series and brings resolution to not only a mystery but a relationship we’ve all been speculating about since book 1.

Once again attractive Associate solicitor Maddi Kramer experiences a horrendous crime first-hand with a team of heavily armed masked bandits rushing her London Law offices and abducting 2 staff – Senior 2iC partner whose soon to retire and a failing new articled solicitor and daughter of the firm’s richest client. No one knows what’s going on or why?  Nothing makes sense?  The bandits seemed to have a clear plan yet hidden agenda, but what was it?  The bandits took 2 seemingly unrelated staff members: sent horrible photos of them being beaten and tortured; successfully extorted a $2 Million dollar cash ransome held in reserve by the firm; then released the victims as promised;  now everyone thinks the dreadful event is over – except Maddi.  Maddi knows something doesn’t tally, but she’s alone with her suspicions until DI Carver walks into the offices.  Maddi knows if she works with Carver they can solve this mystery just as they’d done before but at what cost? Will it bring them together or shatter their worlds? And will they unravel the mystery in time before there’s another death?

Great British Police mystery.  5 stars


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