VP437584 – Construction of Bruxner Highway and Patricia Street SFRC Roundabout

Closing Date: Monday 6 January 2025 - Closed

Richmond Valley Council is seeking Tenders from appropriately qualified and experienced Tenderers for the construction of a new steel fibre reinforced concrete roundabout at the intersection of Patricia Street with the Bruxner Highway in Casino, NSW.

Burchill Engineering Solutions (Burchills) have been commissioned by the Richmond Valley Council (Principal) to prepare the Detailed Design of the Bruxner Highway and Patricia Street SFRC Roundabout and associated works at Casino, NSW. The intersection is being created to allow future development of the land to the north and south.

This Technical Specification has been prepared based on the Detailed Design completed for the intersection upgrade and associated roadworks. The specification is intended to inform the construction of the project.

Accordingly, this specification contains the following information;

• Standards and Design Codes;

• Construction requirements;

• Site operation requirements; and

• Quality Assurance requirements

As part of the Construction contract, it is anticipated that the Contractor will undertake review of the detailed design documentation and technical specifications to construct the project.

A more detailed brief of the extent of services required by Council is set out in Part 3 – the Specification of this Tender document.

TendorPanel link: https://www.vendorpanel.com.au/publictenders.aspx?emcc=4B660E2E0CFB

Tenders Submitted

Tender NameTender Amount
Civil Mining and Construction Pty LtdConfidential
Safety Road Australia Pty LtdConfidential
Civilcast Pty LtdConfidential
Durack Civil Pty LtdConfidential
Kiwi Excavations Pty LtdConfidential
Winslow Infrastructure Pty LtdConfidential

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