Closing Date: Friday 1 November 2024 - Processing
This tender has been called to engage a suitably qualified and experienced company to complete all works outlined in the scope of works as per the attached drawing plans (R-W-0010-1002-For Tender).
The Woodburn Memorial Hall currently consists of an informal unsealed parking area and limited formal pedestrian access. This project involves the construction of a concrete carpark and a connecting concrete footpath to provide easy access to and from the hall for community members.
The scope includes:
- Establish on site and setup appropriate Traffic Control and Erosion and Sediment Control Measures
- Saw cut existing bitumen surface to limit damage to existing pavement surfaces and ensure smooth junction of new works
- Clear and strip the carpark area
- Box out the carpark area and the new kerb and gutter alignment and dispose of material to a suitable location
- Arrange for density tests on the subbase
- Form up car park, tie steel, install construction joints
- Pour car park in 2 pours (allow for expansion and contraction)
- Cut control joints
- Construction of 5MPa Base for the new kerb
- Construction of NEW Kerb and Gutter
- Tie ins to any existing infrastructure (driveways, stormwater pits, kerb and footpath)
- Strip and box out footpath areas including the disposal of redundant concrete to a licenced facility
- Form up footpath, tie steel, install construction joints, pour new paths (Approx 3 pours)
- Cut control joints
- Backfill footpaths and provide landscaping
- Install Guard Rail / Pedestrian Fence and Bollards
- Site tidy up and disestablish
Council is continuing to negotiate with tenderers.