VP408588 -Bentley Road Landslip Design & Construction

Closing Date: Monday 24 June 2024 - Closed

Richmond Valley Council has called this Tender to engage a suitably qualified and competent organisation for the remediation of the Bentley Road Landslip and reinstatement of the road pavement. This significant slip occurred during the February and March 2022 flood events.

The site is located on Bentley Road approximately 1.1km east of the Intersection of Manifold Road. Bentley Road is a regional sealed road that provides an essential link between Kyogle Shire and Lismore City and serves as a primary production and local resident route.

Council’s most recent traffic counts in this area recorded in 2023 indicates the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) is 2,591 vehicles per day, with 30.4% of that being heavy vehicles.

Essential Public Asset Restoration (EPAR) Claims have been made for the repair of flood damage to this site under NSW Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

TendorPanel link: https://www.vendorpanel.com.au/publictenders.aspx?emcc=4B660E2E0CFB

Tenders Submitted

Tender NameTender Amount
Green Civil ServicesConfidential
PCA Ground EngineeringConfidential

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