VP394279 – Physical Asset Security Audit Services

Closing Date: Monday 29 January 2024 - Closed

Richmond Valley Council are seeking quotations from suitably qualified and experienced organisations to provide a security audit service on all Council owned buildings, facilities, vehicles & plant items throughout the Richmond Valley LGA within the current financial year.

Buildings & Facilities:

Some buildings and sites are utilised by Council for admin, storage, and various important infrastructure facilities.

Some buildings provide direct community benefit such as Libraries, and Sport Stadiums

Some buildings are rented out to clubs and to the general public for special events requiring them to have access to keys/alarm codes for a specific period (sometimes only a few days). This process may be managed by Council or a recognised organisation that is locally based to the building.

Plant & Vehicles:

Some plant items i.e., graders, are stored overnight on roadsides and are subject to vandalism and fuel theft (estimated number of plant – 12 items).

The remainder of RVC plant & vehicles (estimated to be approx. 300 items) are stored in one of 3 council owned depots (located at Casino, Coraki & Evans Head) OR the Casino RVC Administration building OR in some cases staff take light vehicles home.

Council is seeking a suitably qualified entity to provide an audit or security assessment of each individual building, site and externally stored plant currently owned by Council. This report will determine 3 key pieces of information.

1. This report will consider and rate the security risk each external plant item, building and/or site presents to Council taking into consideration the cost and likelihood of potential damage, theft, and vandalism to the building and RVC infrastructure as well as the possible reputational damage to Council should the building/site and its contents/infrastructure become a target.

2. The report will review Councils current security measures in each case to determine if gaps exist that present issues for Council based on the risk profile of the building and associated infrastructure.

3. The report will provide recommendations for dealing with any gaps or weakness identified as part of the review and overall recommendations to improve security and reduce risk at each facility. These recommendations may be physical (additional barriers, screens or fences), technical (alarms, sensors etc), additional personnel such as security patrols or static guards or any other means to reduce identified risks.

TendorPanel link: https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vendorpanel.com.au%2FPublicTenders.aspx%3Femcc%3D4B660E2E0CFB%26mode%3Dall&data=05%7C02%7CAmy.deWit%40richmondvalley.nsw.gov.au%7C8080807f736b419daf9808dc30dc8fef%7C6774b790711449c3bde2a57c8e38fdb4%7C0%7C0%7C638438971081227528%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=J8ZRQlVnSZ7pfj2b5R2PLUz5EIHjEfy1Gq1HJKTF7JE%3D&reserved=0

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Council is continuing to negotiate with tenderers.

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