Bin Collection Day

Bin Collection Day

Provided below are links to calendars for the Richmond Valley area.

Zone 1 – Casino and surrounds

Your bins to put out for the current week are:


Zone 2 – Mid Richmond and surrounds

Your bins to put out for the current week are:

There are a number of rules residents should be aware of in filling and placing their bins for collection:

  • Domestic items only are to be placed in each bin as designated – food and garden organics in the weekly green-lid bin, recycling in the fortnightly yellow-lid bin and general waste in the fortnightly red bin.
  • Do not place commercial waste, hazardous waste, dangerous goods or dirt in your bin.
  • Leave bin lids completely closed. Bins will not be collected if the lid is open, as protruding objects can damage the truck.
  • Bin weight should not exceed 80kg. Bins will not be emptied if weight exceeds 80kg to avoid causing damage and unnecessary wear and tear  to truck hydraulics.
  • Place your bins clear of obstructions, for example, vehicles and trees or overhanging branches.
  • Bins should be placed about 1 metre apart the evening before collection day. Collection at the same time each collection day cannot be guaranteed.
  • Items placed on top of the bin or next to the bin will not be collected.

Your waste and recycling collection service will run more efficiently by following the above rules. Garbage trucks are fitted with cameras and can record prohibited waste. There are penalties that apply, and refusal of collection may result.

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