Multi-million dollar projects approved for local road and infrastructure upgrades

Article published: 1 August, 2024

RICHMOND Valley Council is pleased to announce the successful tenderers for a series of key projects set to enhance community infrastructure and services.

Following a thorough and competitive tender process, Council has awarded contracts to a number of reputable firms, ensuring the delivery of high-quality projects which will benefit residents and businesses alike.

General Manager Vaughan Macdonald said Council was committed to improving the quality of life for residents, as well as fostering economic growth.

Mr Macdonald said these projects were a testament to Council’s promise to continue investing in the community’s future.

He said the selection of these tenderers followed a rigorous evaluation process, ensuring each project would be delivered on time, within budget, and to the highest standards of quality and safety.

“Council is confident these partnerships will bring significant improvements to local infrastructure, enhance public amenities, and support the overall development of the area,” Mr Macdonald said.

“Council officers will work closely with the successful tenderers and we will keep the community informed of the progress of these projects.”

The projects listed below are funded under Transport for New South Wales’ Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements, with the exception of the Tatham bridges, which are being funded through the Australian Government’s Emergency Response Fund Northern Rivers Recovery and Resilience Program 2022-2023, and the new netball clubhouse, which was funded under the NSW and Australian governments’ Community Assets Program. All were extensively affected by the February-March 2022 flooding events.


Replacement of Tatham bridges

Quickway Constructions Pty Ltd was successful with its tender for the replacement of the twin bridges at Tatham, which represented best value at $13,076,237. The building of two new bridges will improve flood immunity and provide better connections for Coraki’s residents to Casino, as well increasing evacuation options and improve access to housing and supplies for the village during emergencies. Work includes vegetation clearing, earthworks, piling works, bridge construction, pavement and drainage, protection and relocation of existing services and landscaping. The new bridges will be built on a new alignment and are expected to be open to traffic by the end of 2025.

Bentley landslip and road remediation

Green Civil Services Pty Ltd was awarded the tender for the Bentley Road landslip remediation project. The $3.17 million project involves construction of Bentley Road to remediate the slip area and the rehabilitation of the road, with the objective to prevent further damage and restoring the structural integrity of the embankment and the road. The work includes site establishment and management, earthworks and site restoration.

Design and Construct Upper Cherry Tree road landslip

Council accepted the $1,028,098 tender from The Trustee for Santin Trust to carry out remediation work on the Upper Cherry Tree landslip, which consists of a 60-metre section of road and associated drainage infrastructure, which was washed away during the February 2022 flood event. With owner agreement, Council had a side track constructed on private land to restore access until a permanent fix could be constructed.

Design and Construct Upper Mongogarie road landslip

The Trustee for Santin Trust was also successful with its $485,106 tender for remediation work on the Upper Mongogarie landslip. A 60-metre section of creek embankment washed away and is encroaching on to the road shoulder. This project involves the design and construction of a suitable rock retaining structure to remediate the slip area.

Design and Construct MR145 (Woodburn-Coraki Road) landslips

Council accepted a $898,929.82 tender from SEE CIVIL Pty Ltd for the remediation of two Woodburn-Coraki Road landslips. Council will contribute $28,209.64 towards the betterment component of this project to improve the base rock armouring of the impacted sites. This project is specific to the remediation of two landslips where the embankments have been washed away, resulting in the Richmond River encroaching on the road shoulder, and compromising the stability of the road. The first involves a single section approximately 30 metres long and the second location has two sections totalling 60 metres in length.

Netball clubhouse facility – Colley Park Casino

Marathon Modular will construct a new netball clubhouse at a cost of $1,236,211. In February 2022 the entire facility was inundated with water, and thanks to the Australian and NSW governments, Council was successful under the Community Assets Programs to rebuild the facility. As the building site is in a stormwater basin zone, the new structure will be built above flood levels on a pier and beam system. Delivering this style of structure future proofs the facility from flood and storm events. In line with the Colley Park Master Plan, the work involves concept design, engineering design, construction of a raised modular building on a pier and beam system, installation of windows, external accessible doors, external stairs, access ramp, roof, guttering and drainage, installation of internal walls, ceilings and accessible doors, fit out of commercial kitchen for food preparation, canteen servings area, including plumbing, and a hot water system.


Further approvals have been given under Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements for multiple future road repairs in all Richmond Valley towns and villages, with work to take place over the next two years.

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