Local businesses encouraged to advertise in official visitor guide

Article published: 23 February, 2023

RICHMOND Valley Council is encouraging local businesses to be part of the 2023-2025 official visitor guide.

The vibrant A5 booklet highlights key destinations, experiences and local businesses to thousands of visitors.

Businesses can place an affordable advertisement in the guide under key categories, which include: arts and culture; eat and drink; history and heritage; shopping; outdoor and nature; events; and accommodation.

The official Discover Richmond Valley Visitor Guide will be available online and in print, and is distributed to high-traffic locations such as our visitor information centres, local library branches, the railway station, and local businesses. It’s also distributed to key information centres across NSW and Australia.

Council’s Tourism Manager Sharon Davidson said the official Discover Richmond Valley Visitor Guide was an invaluable opportunity for local businesses to advertise directly to a broad audience.

“The guide is an essential resource which highlights local events, businesses, accommodation and nature experiences the region has to offer,” Ms Davidson said.

“The Richmond Valley’s three visitor information centres have thousands of visitors every year, and this is the free guide we recommend.

“It also goes to visitor information centres across the country, so the potential audience is huge.

“Not only does the guide include affordable advertising, it will be in circulation for two years, so it’s a great deal.”

Bookings for advertisements close Friday 17 March.

For more information visit www.discoverrichmondvalley.com.au or contact the Discover Richmond Valley team on 6660 0325 or tourism@richmondvalley.nsw.gov.au

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