Women in Agriculture Lunch and Learn Series

Are you a female in the agriculture industry and want to improve your safety awareness on the farm?

SafeWork NSW is inviting women in the agriculture industry to attend a free ‘lunch and learn’ farm safety series in Casino on Wednesday June 23 at Casino RSM Club from 12:30pm-1:30pm.

Topics will include safety around farm vehicles, falls, machine guarding, general work health and safety, and mental health. Rural Adversity Mental Health Program representatives will also be in attendance.

Those in attendance may also be eligible to apply for the $500 small business rebate and quad bike safety rebate.

Register and secure your place today: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/safework-nsw-33287479609
Please note that numbers are strictly limited so registration is essential.
ℹ️ Please contact agriculture@safework.nsw.gov.au should you have any questions.

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