Summerland Bank High Tea

This is your golden ticket to dive into a world brimming with inspiration and camaraderie among the rad folks of the North Coast. Picture this: a totally tubular afternoon where you can rub elbows with the most bodacious ladies of the Richmond Valley, all while soaking in the wisdom of speakers that’ll leave you pumped.
But wait, it gets better! Imagine indulging in a top-notch dining experience that’s all about sophistication and flavour. And let’s not forget the excitement of raffles, prizes, and giveaways that are sure to keep the vibes high.
So, call up your squad, make it a date with your clients, or show some love to your team. You won’t want to miss this empowering shindig that’s a highlight of the 11-day extravaganza known as Casino Beef Week.
Are you ready to kick it to the next level of inspiration?

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