Casino Pop Culture Party and Inclusion Social Night
Join Casino Indoor Sports Stadium for a night of fun with games, sausage sizzle and a movie night Saturday July 24 from 3pm to 7pm. $5 entry. Visit their Facebook page for more information.
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Join Casino Indoor Sports Stadium for a night of fun with games, sausage sizzle and a movie night Saturday July 24 from 3pm to 7pm. $5 entry. Visit their Facebook page for more information.
Join the Casino RSM Club to raise money for a great cause. This year is it estimated that over 20,000 women will be diagnosed with a breast or gynaecological cancer. Get involved with us in raising money and help Cancer Council fight cancer through prevention...
Casino Lions Farmers Market is on every Saturday at Crawford Square from 8am-11am. Head on down and grab some delicious locally made goodies!
This event has been postponed due to the current Richmond Valley COVID-19 lockdown. The event will be held over 3 days, 13th - 15th August at the Casino Showgrounds. 1st Prize for Open category is $1500 plus chainsaw To nominate, call Jessica Gall on 0417...
This event has been postponed for September. Casino Art Show is coming Casino Indoor Sports Stadium on September 25 and 26. Entries are open to all ages and abilities. More information to come soon. Contact Melissa Avgoulas at for more information or follow their...
Enjoy a night under the stars at Rileys Hill Community Hall Friday July 9 from 5:30pm. Food and drinks will be available on the night. $10 per family or $5 per couple/single.
Rappville will host the 2021 NSW Working Stock Dog Association Championships from 16-18 July 2021. The event will incorporate a community festival to celebrate the area's resilience. One event includes the Northern Rivers Veterinary Service Dog High Jump competition, which will offer combined prizemoney totalling...
Cougars Nightclub together with Richmond Valley Council and the NSW Government are excited to host our first U18’s nightclub event on Friday June 18. This is a 14-17 yrs aged event. Doors open at 8pm and entry is free.
PIONEERING healthy cooking educators The Wholesome Collective will be firing up their cooktops in Coraki, Casino, and Ellangowan this month, in a series of free workshops revealing the time-tested tips of preparing delicious and healthy food on a budget. Founded by accredited dietitian Kerryn Boogaard, and...
From July 1, Richmond Valley Council will be accepting and processing all development-related applications and certificates via a new ePlanning portal. The platform was developed by the State Government, and all NSW councils are required to be using the NSW Planning Portal to lodge development...
Type your search query here to find relevant pages on the Richmond Valley Council site.