Free Primex shuttle bus for Lismore residents

Article published: 4 May, 2023

LISMORE residents keen to visit this year’s Primex Field Days in Casino can do so without the hassle of driving thanks to the generous support of Richmond Valley Council.

Celebrating its 39th anniversary, Primex will run from Thursday 11 May to Saturday 13 May. Gates open at 9am each day and while the Primex target audience is in the agriculture, forestry, fishing and natural resource industry sectors, there is plenty to do and see for all interests.

Richmond Valley Council has been providing a free Primex shuttle service for Casino residents since 2017, and following last year’s horrendous flooding events decided to extend this service to its Lismore neighbours.

The Lismore service will operate between 9am and 4pm over the three days, same as the Casino one, with pick up and return points being the car park at Goonellabah Sports & Aquatic Centre, Wallerawang Drive, the Lismore Shopping Square taxi rank, Brewster Street, and the South Lismore Train Station, Union Street.

Casino pick up and return points are: Casino Information Centre, 84A Centre Street; Casino Post Office, Barker Street; and the Canterbury Street taxi rank.

Pick up and return points and times for both Lismore and Casino can be found on Council’s Facebook page.

Council has been supporting the Primex Field Days since its inception in 1985. Support started as in-kind works, such as ground improvements, including drainage, and waste services. This changed in 2013 to become a cash sponsorship of $25,000 per year under a three-year arrangement, and the introduction of a shuttle service in 2017.

Council renewed its sponsorship partnership with Primex this year, which covers the years 2023, 2024 and 2025.

General Manager Vaughan Macdonald said Council decided to continue its partnership with Primex because the whole Richmond Valley takes pride in its agricultural heritage.

Mr Macdonald said the very roots of the Richmond Valley related to food production, and the Primex Field Days helped kept the passion, the knowledge, and the experiences alive.

He said Primex brought great economic benefits to the whole region, with many visitors and exhibitors not only using Richmond Valley hospitality services, but also those of neighbouring areas.

“Past research has shown people come to Casino specifically for the event, and they are not just from NSW; they are travelling from Queensland, and to a lesser extent, Victoria,” Mr Macdonald said.

“This brings ‘new money’ to the area.”

Mr Macdonald said everyone should attend Primex – townies and bushies alike – as it was a great agricultural experience.

He said Primex visitors could look forward to seeing regular exhibitors, as well as new ones, such as:

  • The Forestry and Timber Industry Collective – representing a collaboration between Primex and key industry stakeholders, including Koppers Wood Products, Hurford’s Sawmill, Sustainable Forest Management, Local Land Services, NE NSW Forestry and Timber NSW, the Collective will initiate the networking and trade presentations to establish the collaboration.
  • Business, Innovation and AgriTech – presenting the evolution of technology.
  • Health and Wellbeing – governments, support groups and organisations bring a range of health experts and organisations in a dedicated area of the event. The objective is to provide visitors with the opportunity to receive health advice in a one-stop location.
  • Education and Careers – this hub will identify the opportunities in science, technology, business management, innovation, logistics, animal welfare, marketing, and research and development.
  • Paddock to Plate – designed to offer a complete supply chain experience where farmers and foodies meet, see, taste, and share a variety of our special food experiences. A range of our region’s leading chefs head a program which profiles cooking demonstrations, master classes, and educational sessions.

“With more than 350 exhibitors expected at this year’s event, you will also get the chance to check out top-of-the-range agriculture and construction equipment and related products and services, livestock displays from Australia’s leading societies and studs, and lifestyle exhibits such as outdoor leisure activities,” Mr Macdonald said.

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