VP443460 – Casino STP Detailed Design

Closing Date: Monday 14 April 2025 - Open

Richmond Valley Council (RVC) is seeking tenders from suitably qualified and experienced tenderers for the Design Services for the replacement of the Casino Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP).

RVC has undertaken options development, an assessment phase and has prepared a detailed Concept Design for the replacement of the aging STP.

The site adjacent to the existing STP has been chosen to develop the new STP.  This is located on Spring Grove Road, northeast of the Casino CBD, predominately on Lot 320 DP 755727.

The scope of work is to undertake the detailed design and preparation of documents.  It is vital that the new plant has the required capacity, operates in a manner that reduces the risk of environmental protection license breaches, is flood resilient and is safe in all respects of operation and maintenance.  The availability of a new STP is a key enabler for the RVC Regional Jobs Precinct (RJP) and residential growth in the region.

The new STP will comprise of the following infrastructure elements:

  1. a) Inlet Works
  2. b) Foul Air Treatment
  3. c) Septic Receival
  4. d) Alum Dosing
  5. e) IDEA Reactors, with Surface Aeration
  6. f) WAS Pump Stations
  7. g) Mixed Liquor Return Pump Stations
  8. h) Decant Balance Tank
  9. i) UV Disinfection
  10. j) Storm Pond
  11. k) Sludge Storage and Stabilisation
  12. l) Sludge Dewatering
  13. m) Biosolids Storage
  14. n) Foul Water Pump Station
  15. o) Site Re-use Pump Station
  16. p) Effluent Transfer Pump Stations
  17. q) Control room/amenities/laboratory/workshop/storage area
  18. r) Electrical Switch Room
  19. s) Solar Photo Voltaic System
  20. t) Site Access Road/Gates/Fencing
  21. u) Space and allowance for future expansion
TendorPanel link: https://www.vendorpanel.com.au/publictenders.aspx?emcc=4B660E2E0CFB

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