Our Services

Our Services

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Waste and Recycling

We all need to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill – it’s simple as that. Keeping food waste out of landfill is one of the easiest things we can do to help the environment.

Water and Sewer

The following general Water & Sewer information is provided to improve community awareness of Council and property owner responsibilities with respect to water and sewer services.


The region comprises mountain bush and hilly scrubland, timber country and grazing land, floodplains with sugar cane and tea tree stands, wetland and swamp to coastal heath, rocky headlands and dunal systems.

Sustainable Communities

A sustainable community balances social, economic, and environmental factors to enhance the quality of life.

It achieves this by promoting energy efficiency, waste reduction, and resource conservation. Preserving bushland, biodiversity, protecting waterways, creating green spaces, and investing in sustainable infrastructure are all essential pillars for building a resilient and liveable place for the future.

Off Dog Leash and Prohibited Areas

Find out where you can and cannot take your dog.


On 1 August 2002 the Rural Fires and Environmental Assessment Legislation Amendment Act 2002 commenced . . .


A base flood model has been prepared in conjunction with Richmond River County Council: Richmond Valley Flood Mapping Mp and Richmond River Flood Mapping Final Report.


The Woolgoolga to Ballina project will upgrade about 155 kilometres of highway. The project starts approximately six kilometres north of Woolgoolga and ends approximately six kilometres south of Ballina.

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