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Bats and seating[[Jacqui]]

24 March 2023

Something needs to be done about the bats before putting seats along riverbank. about cattle what about wild animals vermon from concern grazier

Bats and seating[[Jacqui]]

24 March 2023

Something needs to be done about the bats before putting seats along riverbank. about cattle what about wild animals vermon from concern grazier


24 March 2023

Evans Head main street footpath & alfresco areas need to be updated & clean. More street appeal & additional seating allowed outside of main street.


24 March 2023

LOVE TO BE INVOLVED.CORAKI While fixing main street please consider elderly accessing footpaths and parks.We love to get out and about .find it hard

Keep cool in RVC[[Chez]]

23 March 2023

More and more quick growing shade trees that will survive the blistering summers. When there money redo waling tracks and seats along the river banks.

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