Beautification of woodburn streets[[Mandy]]
Fix those ugly bits of cement that are broken in the side streets of woodburn. I think they are traffic islands but I call them an eye sore.
Fix those ugly bits of cement that are broken in the side streets of woodburn. I think they are traffic islands but I call them an eye sore.
Roadways in Broadwater are in desperate need of widening, curb and gutters and piped drainage.
Build a Cycleway circuit from Broadwater - Evans Head - Woodburn - Broadwater. Bring families and tourists to those villages and make it a destination
Put cameras in parks near bins to stop pl dumping their household waste in and aroung the park bins
I was born in this town, I'm couch surfing because I can't afford the rentals. The real Estate wants 2 evict my mum 4 letting me & my son stay at hers
I’d like to see the Civic Hall used for live performance. Theatre, music, cabaret, choirs, etc.
Entice larger retail chains to Casino. Kmart/Big W; Toy store; 10 pin bowling; playquest; a cafe onsite + continued development of Crawford Square.
Definitely NO INCINERATOR for Northern Rivers
I often observe people with walking aids and school kids forced to use Evans rd as a footpath because there is no footpath available. An accident wait
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