In accordance with Section 213 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021, notice is given of the public exhibition of Draft Richmond Valley Council Section 7.11 (formerly Section 94) Heavy Haulage Contributions Plan (As Amended) (the draft plan).
Council’s Section 94 Heavy Haulage Contributions Plan collects annual contributions ($/tonne) from heavy haulage developments, primarily extractive industries (quarries), with payments used to maintain and augment local roads within the haulage route of the development. The plan has been reviewed and a draft plan is being publicly exhibited for community comment.
What amendments are proposed by the draft plan?
The draft plan proposes the following amendments to the current plan:
• update legislative references throughout the plan as a result of decimalisation of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and commencement of the 2021 EP&A Regulation, for example section 94 is now section 7.11,
• update the formula used to calculate the annual contribution rate ($/tonne/km)—the formula was updated to increase the cost to construct one kilometre of road (from $450,000 in 2013 to $1,000,000 in 2024) and to include the use of combined vehicles (3-axle truck and 3-axle dog)—resulting in an increase in the contribution ($/tonne/km) from $0.096 (CPI’d from the 2013 contribution rate) to $0.18, and
• reformatting of the plan.
Are the new contribution rates retrospective?
No. The draft plan and the increased contribution rate will only apply to new heavy haulage developments and will not retrospectively apply to existing developments.
Details of the exhibition
The draft plan will be on public exhibition from Monday 27 January, with written submissions being accepted until COB Friday, 28 February. The draft plan may be inspected at:
Council’s Customer Service Centres in Casino and Evans Head (during normal office hours), and
the On Exhibition page of Council’s website –
Any person may make written submissions on the draft plan by addressing them to the General Manager and delivering them by:
• post—to Richmond Valley Council, Locked Bag 10, Casino NSW 2470, or
• email—to , or
• on-line—by completing an on-line submission form, or
• hand delivery—by dropping submissions to Council’s Customer Service Centres at Casino or Evans Head.
All enquiries should be directed to Council’s Planning & Certification section on 6660 0300 or email