Proposal to formally name roads

Notice is hereby given that Richmond Valley Council, as roads authority, proposes to name the following roads:

Cardow Lane

The existing unnamed lane requires formal naming for addressing purposes, the lane adjoining Lagoon Road begins at Lot 1 DP 1173957 stretches for approximately 445metres in length. The suggested road name is derived from a historical landowner.

Metcalf Road

The existing unnamed road requires formal naming for addressing purposes, adjoining Ainsworth Road, Hogarth Range running parallel to Middle Creek stretches for a total of 2.5km in length. The suggested road name is a commemorative name for the landholder ‘Roy Metcalf” who owned adjoining property on the road for 33 years. Roy passed away in May 2023, and his partner still resides at the property today.

Submissions – Any person may make a written submission during the exhibition period by sending it to Richmond Valley Council by:

post to – Locked Bag 10 Casino NSW 2470
email –
hand delivery – at either of Council’s Customer Service Centres in Casino and Evans Head
online submission – by completing an online submission form via Council’s website.
📅 Submissions close: 1 November

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